Ahh-it's that time of year again when spring cleaning gleans treasures from house and garage to yard sale. Craigslist is currently a bastion of people selling crap, as well as people advertising yard sales to people in need of extra crap.
The very best of these sales offer a glimpse of fly-on the wall truth. Think impromptu Sociology project as more often than not dusty paperbacks offer up subject matter that speaks volumes about the seller. How you ask? Take a quick scan from the book bins at any yard sale, then let's discuss. Books color a pretty realistic view of the inner-workings of family dynamics and turmoil. Personal drama isn't just for television reality any longer. Reading junk and how to books can be beach friendly.
Used book bins are the windows to the soul, no need to look deeply into ones' eyes- just do a bit of digging thru used book bins at yard sales and take note. Finding health books owned by the wanna bees of healthy living as they circulate the yard sale soft-drink in hand. Perhaps it's the hypochondriac neighbor with the latest and greatest medical journals and how-to-live germ free. Another popular subject matter of dog-eared hope: Marital strife. How to fix_________ seems to always be popular in the yard sale book bin.
I like fix-it themes. More so boat and yoga . Most recently VW Manuals.
On the east coast yard sales are a contact sport. Here in Santa Cruz the theme can be a bit more spiritual with more than enough natural fiber clothing and hemp shoes to encourage anyone shopping to be a kind gentler version of themselves while sporting alpaca sweaters. Locally harvested of course.
So as you shop, remember that bargaining at yard sales here in Santa Cruz is considered a faux pas.
Be politically correct and pay the full boat price and walk away knowing more about your neighbors than you ever thought possible.