As a newby to the Canadian scene, it's important to share with the class my fascination of all things foreign. Foreign as the subjectively applied: anything new to me at the moment. Traveling is the easiest way to shake up your world. True, coming to Canada isn't really a shake up as say Azerbaijan might be but hey-traveling with kids and an american passport = pedestrian fun.
Food is the biggest motivator for me when the idea strikes to tally forth into the world. The seek and you shall find mentality always rewards those with enough patience. The hole-in- the wall taqueria in Huatulco, or Pinky-toe crab in the West Indies arriving upon your dinner plate can make up for so very much that goes array when traveling. My current state of mind at the moment is to shun the tedious and tepid seeking instead a twist on the day to day. Safest yet most exciting way to achieve this heightened sense of self while still clothed is the dining experience.
A toast to all things Toronto. The tendency for me to whine about the wine found here may get old quickly but rest assured I promise to keep that in check. My bigger concern, will be toning down the teasing when it comes to the grammatical anatomy of the english language here in Canada. Just between us girls: Harbour really doesn't benefit from the added U, nor does center deserve the added e on the end. Picking my battles here will be fun, pedestrian but fun. Kinda like how I find Canada thus far.