I am smitten. It's not an old school crush reignited. Not a facebook flashback from the past. No this new crush is the one I have on the local newspaper, The Toronto Star.
Before you yawn and go back to your facebook page, you owe it to yourself to pay attention to the amazing piece of journalism by Linda Diebel from the Saturday edition Toronto Star. For you politicos out there, this is a well researched and opinionated piece. Decent investigatory writing seems to be a lost art, or so I thought. An amazing story is unfolding about the handful of Canadians stranded around the globe as the government looks the other way, which is abhorrent. The article can be found here.
The impetus for these recent stories of wayward travelers: Suaad Hagi Mohamud. The good news is she's back home in Toronto after her three month ordeal of being called an impostor. Left to twist in the wind by the Canadian government because her lips looked different from her four year old photo in the passport she held. Note to self: No Juviederm before traveling internationally.
Newby that I am to the area, I can't help but be impressed with the story bylines of the recent weeks dealing with the position that Ms. Mohamud found herself . Impressed that the art of journalism still exists in the old school world of newspaper. The Toronto stars' unparalleled coverage of this amazing saga deserves an applause.
Brava Ms. Diebel. It would be lovely to see you awarded a Pulitzer for your work, or maybe the Canadian equivalent.....the National
Newspaper Awards. Certainly not as glamorous, but better than no recognition.