I ventured home today to have a bite to eat for lunch, and make a few free calls on my VOIP line.. Man it's expensive calling stateside on a cell or regular land-line. Just as I sat down a bird of prey flew to my 16th floor window to dine upon a little free-range sparrow that she had just caught. My camera was in my bag so i snapped a few pics. I'm always in awe of any bird of prey. I like the forceful gaze and that amazing hooked beak- all the better to rip you apart (glad I'm not a small bird or rodent.) Amazing too on another level that as a city dweller I was able to experience something so spectacular, awe inspiring. Plus it was nice to have the lunch company.
After a quick google search lots of data came up about my lunch buddy. She was a kestrel. She lives (most likely) on the Island within my line of vision. She is a fearless yet patient hunter. My google net cast a whole genre of airy-fairy-symbolic & Indian mythology. I'm not one to knock this sorta stuff, especially coming from living next to the airiest-fairest zipcode stateside: Santa Cruz.
So the following is a snippet of mythological brain candy for you to savor or laugh at- after all, it's your snack.. The mystical totem that the kestrel represents: Agility & quickness. A bird that can stimulate a quick, graceful and agile mind. A visit from this bird will teach you how to use your mental facilities more effectively and more patiently(this I could use) to capture what you most need and desire. It not only has excellent vision, but its hearing is amazing (I could polish this skill set)-- so it reminds us to truly Listen and See what is around us, within our lives, and our place/responsibility within situations. I like that.
Next time I think I'll opt for the salad. Watching another carnivore devour her lunch left me wanting to become a bit more herbivore.