Okay it's time for a rant. Simple things always seem to be the things that turn into colossal sized pain-in-the-ass issues. Purchasing milk. As mundane as that seems I wanna know what's up with the milk in the bag routine which by the way Canada- no one else does, anywhere. There is no economy of scale buying the gallon or Liter of Leache here in Canada. Trying to pour it into my morning coffee is also a disaster in the making, Pouring it into a pitcher, forget it... This thing called a jug, it works really well.
This needs to change. Can't Canadians embrace the gallon jug or carton?? I just can't wrap my head around this one. Also can't imagine I am the only one ranting about this.
Why no wi-fi? The elusive signal is leaving me longing for stateside bandwidth. Oh little town of MountainView how do I miss you (never thought I would ever find myself saying that.) Google has given the gift of bandwidth to the minions of Mt.View..lucky bastards. Toronto Mayor David Miller- are you listening? Mostly no...But then again that's why Mayor Miller has a current popularity vote of just 29% tolerating him. Tolerating in Canadian terms is about as close as you're gonna get to hate.
My last rant involves the Toronto Film Festival, which begins today. Why the kid gloves surrounding the potential treatment, care and feeding of the stars as they flock to our fair city for the next ten daze of films, fun, and fashionable celeb spotting. The media has had such a ohh-woes-me, I hope the weather stays lovely for the stars. My guess is that anyone from the west coast is just happy to breath air they don't have to see, or worry about the Prius catching fire as the 49% containment of the fires burning could change as soon as the Santa Ana winds kick in again and potential torch L.A.
Honey moon over I suppose. It was sweet while it lasted. Now I can go back to being my mouthy, opinionated self. Sigh of relief....