Few things here in Canada evoke emotions and stir feelings of patriotic fervour like the king of all things Canadian: hockey.
Find yourself alone in a que, strike up a conversation about hockey and find that everyone around you has something to contribute. It's not a sport or even a mere past time. Think religion.
One short stop to the local Canadian Tire (Genre akin to target stores on testosterone vs mom&pop automotive.) Stroll thru household goods, end of season garden goods, and the hunting-fishing gear area you'll find yourself within a pond sized area of pucks.
Sticks of all sizes and cost, of course skates. No wimpy double runners here. Hockey skates come in tiny baby sized booties. These mini-skates look like something found upon the foot of most sweet smelling infants...then add a sharp blade. Now we can differentiate the true Canadians from the wanna bees.. and once those tiny toddler feet have met the ice most parents must figure why teach them to walk when you can teach them to skate first. After all, they have no teeth to knock out (that comes later on, like third grade team hockey.)
It was said that the fabled Pele was given a soccer ball before he could crawl. Bobby Orr perhaps teethed upon a rubbery puck.. This hockey religious experience; It's like nothing I have ever experienced. Is this a myopically singular fervor in most circles within the latitude of Ontario?
Ive been told it's a country wide phenomena that stretches for nine months out of the year.