The good bad and the ugly of Craigslist. My glass slipper got stepped on and broken yesterday as a dose of reality stepped in and squashed my unrealistic ideal of nirvana when it comes to all things Craigslist. Canadian Craigslist has been my beacon for local minutia of what's happening politically, entertainment bent, and just-getting-settled-into a new flat bent.
Why the long face you ask? i-phone woes. My phone won't work here in the great white north without a little technical intervention. I know boo hoo hoo, but wait: the local fido phone I purchased is a complete piece of crap, thank you Motorola.. what I needed: to find a person to jailbreak and unlock my phone, swap out the SIM chip and restore my social life. A bit of elegant technology goes very far when you've danced with a dog like Fido.
Easy enough, Craigslist swarms with tech wannabee entrepreneurs so how did my experience take such a left turn? Unlucky luck of the draw I suppose. My jailbreak jailbait (2o something Uof TO student) arrived looking the part of hacker/slacker, but after three hours of futzing my iphone was still dead and jailbait looked befuddled. Sad but true, Craigslist IT services leave a bit to be desired so perhaps I will head down to Chinatown and find a band-aid solution with a unlocking expert who only speaks Mandarin but has the techno savvy to make things right.
Fear not, I still adore Craigslist. A little reality check is always a good thing and who knows perhaps someone out there wants this Motorola fido phone for free. Craigslist posting IS the only way to go.