Happy October first. In celebration of seeing my breath this morning I decided to book my travel plans for warmer weather. Funny how things like frosty sidewalks will get ones' attention. Too bad the warm travel plan is months away. Suppose it makes it all the more delicious.
The bright note is we have trees ready to explode in a celebration of color, or colour if you're a local aye?
So where does on go to explore the beauty of mother nature and maybe enjoy a little apple cider? I took my own private straw poll today and was surprised to find that the answers were as diverse as the pocket books of those professing ideas. The deep pocket crowd suggested Montreal or Quebec.. That's nice and we certainly adore the food scene, but a weekend in Montreal is a great way to drop a grand. How about the finger lake area of Ny was another idea. Not so nice in my estimation, since drinking those sticky sweet Niagara wines figures in. The best answer: local farms just out of the city district. King City sounds like a destination but the website for the pick-your-own apples looks a little snoozey.
In this case snoozey is good, so off we will go in search of amazing cider. It's funny how asking such a simple question of where to go casts such a huge net. I'll report back, but don't be shy sharing personal favorites or places off the beaten trail. Have Subaru will travel.