I can't remember the last time I experienced a local event that received as much media attention as the first day of school opening in Toronto. Yesterday morning the local radio shows all made chit chat of first day of school jitters that ranged from traffic to packed lunches to the weather. For a city the size of T.O. to be solely focusedc upon this seemingly mundane (for most) issue struck me as a nostalgic throw back from the stone age. Im not slamming the media mind you, it's more of a deer -in-the-headlights moment to digest the information that here in Canada things like school are taken quite seriously.
What a concept! The glaring difference of course is that stateside, so many schools start at so many different times. Parocial, private, prep, and of course public..then the off the grid home schoolers who thumb thier noses at the establishment and sharper pencils to the beat of thier own drum. It really would'nt even be possible to give news coverage. But culturally, Americans at least in larger markets like the Bay Area of San Francisco have such bigger issues that the idea of kids returning to school gets lost in the flow of day to day minutia. Not a judgement call mind you more of a wow- that's interesting in a 1950's wholesome way.
The more I learn about how things work here in Canada the more I respect and admire the knack that Canadians seem to have for celebrating the mundane, the simple pleasures of everyday life. American culture would benefit from such a calming introspective moment, but of course Americans would need to put down the cell phone, grande latte and car keys long enough to enjoy the moment. That would be a tall order.