A sigh of communal relief was breathed last night with the news that the strike here in Toronto may be ending this week. Friday will be the day of reckoning when the city council votes.
Well that was so civil. So Canadian. Civility IS the strong suit here, but don't mistake my poke as that is indeed worth a lot.
What makes me wanna pick a fight? Suppose it's the lack of a fight. The seeds of political discontent here in Canada seem planted almost hydroponically- no deep roots. Nothing to really dig your heels into here. The lack of political activism is weirdly missing in such an urbane environ. Did I mention how smiley Torontonians are?
Maybe you can't have it all, but how do things get accomplished if everyone sort of grits their teeth while sporting a smile and agrees affably? The last 33 days of stinky garbage piled to the sky with playgrounds closed (because playgrounds here have become the make-shift dumps.)
Good luck trying to read up on editorials- No really angry opp ed pieces in the paper. No sign of in-your-face opinions from either side. None. Snoore...............
Then just like that....snap snap.... big wordy battles ? Guess not. Never to materialize. No real newspaper coverage unless you count the small one column piece buried on page 4 yesterday, page 2 on Sunday. Apparently all concessions seemingly met (at least that's the early word on the street.)
Soo the question looms: why bother with 32 extra days of discontent? Wouldn't it have been easier to just let the union arm twist and the Mayor and his minions bend over. Posturing?
Not even. Political instincts non existent in Toronto, this is one mayor that will be a casualty of natural selection.
The losers? The city of course. Taxpayers will pony up in the end to honor the sick days banked by municipal employees. Never mind that the numbers don't add up. The Mayor will be long gone but his lasting legacy will be the red slimy trail he leaves behind upon the city' spreadsheets, garden slug that he is.
Uggh. What a waste.
I know what your thinking? Why do you care so much, Ms.California transplant? My serious case of American ethnocentric political angst shining through like the sun.
Yep. Stir the pot. Maybe I can teach my Canadian neighbors a thing or two about activism, American style. I will, in turn practice good manners and tone down the rudeness.
Pinky promise.