(or at least right up there with that other bone-head thing I keep f'ing up, but I digress.)
A couple of summers ago I had a very drunk, very irish, very- wait I am repeating myself here... I spit out some nasty-ass words in a very venomous way (man can I spew) to a friend(s) who meant the world too me.
Fast forward to two Full years later, and I have yet to make a proper Mea Culpa. Until five fabulous min ago.
Hooray for procrastination. Hooray for Guilt, and Therapy, and a glass of Vino Verde. A hugely hopeful moon this evening that is blindingly beautiful over the Pacific Ocean at this very moment.
So I suppose the best gift (If she accepts the apology letter that I've just licked the stamp for to that far flung zipcode in the east.)
Please note: a mental cost-investment breakdown. Thanks for letting me share.
THERAPY $ 10,920.00
one year of weekly sessions - (not including the double sessions when I was super loquacious) Working towards the goal of mending an important relationship with a girl friend. I.E. writing letter stating the above mentioned drama-rama.
WINE/LIQUOR $ 1000.00
This amount is small...yes. yes. I know..You're thinking liar liar pants on fire- but wait. I gave up drinking as a "sport" in December 09/Jan..2010. I personally liked myself better as the witty, dancing drunk, with her lovely red locks in the lou...but alas that is for another pissy post so stay tuned as I envision a post paired with PMS and a fine zinfandel.
Kleenex $ 100.00
Cry baby tendencies aside, I still buy the good stuff, that leaves a soothing yet healing trace of aloe on my sniffling boo-hooing wet-nosed moments of the past. ( A quick sneak to pander to friends and
Writing the Mea Culpa letter $ PRICELESS.
Mea Culpa letter scrawled in my chicken scratch to the very fabu-lous Hillary Steinau (upon the very paper stock that I scold my kids for using) is simply priceless.
Fang Island Baby, August. I propose a summit meeting of epic proportions and maybe a little arm wrestling ( 'cause you can and will kick my ass.) that's what I love about those Mainers.