A virtual bus just ran over me. That's what it feels like. All the hype, all the frenzied CDC reports, and the icing on the cake: tah-dah...it's sitting here, right here in my own home. My two school aged peitri dishes brought it home.. cough cough. The first few daze were awful, maybe even woeful, especially for the harder hit seven year old. The crazy part is we have been hyper vigilant against germs. You can run but you can not hide from H1N1.
So where is that vaccine.. as NY and our Midwestern stateside neighbors form a neat que to receive the N1H1 jab I still can't wrap my head around why the Canadians continue to wait? Hello-Ottawa? Anyone paying attention? Yes, you are all so polite, but perhaps now is not the time to be polite or complacent.
Canada knew this wave of illness was coming, discussing it each and everyday in the media. Yet vaccine is not yet available for the general public. We are told by the Health minister who is like a tamer version of the CDC (the Canadian CDC) that Monday is the day. Yes- as in next week. That's the new improved, sooner that Nov.4th date.
W.t.f.? Why the wait. Stateside has more than a weeks' worth of time under it's belt administering vaccine. Why the wait in availability for Canada? Better yet why is the american transplant residing in Toronto asking this question? Where is the vocal local voice?
Cough cough, no one can hear you.