My Sunday newspaper experience is off the mark here in the great white north. The big weekend paper here in Toronto is the Saturday paper. Unlike the states, where the Sunday newspaper is always available on Saturday. It's catnip for us news junkies (knowing you can cheat and read it a day early is simply delicious.)
Unlike the states, where real news can sometimes shine through and land upon the front page
(LA Times, NY Times both led the weekend news round up with the Afghanistan troop build up.)
Here, the local papers seem to seek out the ole adage " if it bleeds it leads," and here in Canada that means hockey. The front page of the Toronto Star gave front and center to the disturbing story that referees are intimidating young players of Canada's national past time. The next big story on page two- the pressure is just too much for many young hockey players, as many feel the need to perform well for a shot at the big leagues.
Here is a story I would be interested in reading: how many Canadian hockey players ended up not in the professional arena of skating but of dentistry. Seems like a sure recession proof choice of career for those not worthy of that big ice rink in the spot light.
Cruel I know, but a girls' gotta have fun even here in Canada. Poke poke.
So like any good transplant wanting to embrace the local culture and fit in I bought ice skates this weekend. Paired with a goofy hat I could be a local. Even if it's just to blend in and drink spiked hot cocoa rink side.I gotta believe if ya look the part it's half the fun.
The thing I can't embrace, won't try any longer to put lipstick on? The local newspaper or snooze as I so fondly refer to it now. Hello Sunday NY Times and goodbye Toronto Sun.
My psyche has already improved just knowing that my Saturday will be devoid of any hockey, curling, or Steven Harper stories.